MessageForward 1.5 and MessageSchedule 2.0 Updates

S4BB Limited just updated MessageForward to version 1.5 and MessageSchedule to version 2.0.

MessageForward automatically forwards incoming SMS text message to any email mailbox. Multiple mailboxes are supported as well.

New in MessageForward 1.5

  • Email service to be used for sending out message can be selected now. So the right email service is used for forwarding a message.

Website: MessageForward for BlackBerry®

MessageSchedule allows to send SMS text or email messages at a certain date and time. A sending log keeps track of all messages that have been sent out with MessageSchedule, and templates make the life easier by saving often used messages (including recipient information).

New in MessageSchedule 2.0

  • Email service to be used for sending out message can be selected now. So the right email service is used for sending a message.
  • Schedule messages to be sent out regularly on daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Website: MessageSchedule for BlackBerry®